Friday, March 4, 2011

You Have No Heart

If only you can feel what I feel, you'd say sorry to me right away. You wanted to share, meh, aku bagi ko sikit penyakit ni. Ko igt aku nak penyakit? I told you my condition, why is it so hard for you to understand? If you think I'm kidding, you go to hell. You don't have a heart. Your words, mean nothing to me now. I have no respect for you.

1 comment:

  1. salam...zam,it has been about a month i didn't come here,n bla ku dtg gik,ku rs mcm byk entri yg jd??? Em,always remember 1 thing, pun yg ko lalui,hadapi,it's a test from Allah. bykkn sabar. Ujian ya utk dktkn ko dgn Allah,tp depend dgn how u handle it. trust me,n believe in Allah. May Allah always bless u n give u strength.. -dila-

    sori,mls nk login,he..


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