Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quick Update!

Assalamualaikum semua!

Kurang sehari lagi nak berangkat ke London. Ya, insyaAllah kalau tidak ada sebarang halangan esok awal-awal pagi dah kena berangkat dari UIA ni ke KLIA. I really can't wait! This is the first time to step my foot in Europe! Well to most of us (by us I mean my studiomates/classmates for the trip subject) this is our first time going to Europe, which is London and Paris.

I hope I'll be able to update with you guys what's going on over there later on, if I'm able to get internet connection that is! Every night's there is our free time so I guess if connection is available I'll be glad to report it on this blog! Watch out for London-Paris Tour Report from 21/4 until 30/4! haha!

So yeah that's it for today! Just a quick update from me yeah!


  1. Hati-hati di sana.
    semoga jauh perjalanan, luas lagi pemandangan dalam mensyukuri dan menikmati kurniaan Allah S.W.T.


  2. best eh.. jgn lupak gambar skali k... all the best zam... have a safe journey....


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