Assalamualaikum smua!
Sebagai seorang anak Sarawak, aku memang suka mengikuti kisah-kisah yang berlaku di Sarawak especially kalau ada dalam newspaper. TV, not much. To everyone's knowledge Sarawak Election is in 5 days. The election day is a day before my birthday, oops, I can't vote yet.
I've been following Mr. Melanau Blogger for a while now. I think he's on BN side and truly I don't care who he support. But he's given me insight on what's happening during this campaigning season. [DISCLAIMER] I'm not blogging about who am I supporting, just what's happening. [DISCLAIMER 2] I'm not of age yet, I can't vote yet.
So I had a bit of comment-fight with this some guy from the internet, I was reading an article about Balingian, and how some of these people really wanted Taib's off the throne of Sarawak. When I stated I'm not of age to vote, he said I'm still a kid, he supposed I don't understand a thing happening. But you know, he's not even Sarawakian. Nosy. He told me to give chance for opposition to rule (of course if they rule they're no longer called "opposition" then), but what the heck man, this is not a place for you to do try and error, or try and improve! Idiotic I must say. You never lived in my place, your opinion is nothing but white noise. He was too defensive really. Haha, but as people say, don't have a go with stupid people, they'll bring you down to their level. I read articles from both right-wings and left-wings blogs about Sarawak, and I must say, the right wings wins. Left-wings, baseless.
I know how much people hate Cik Taib, I once lived with people who hates him and was oppressed by development. I know what it's like. Another story, I live with my family, and my villagers who are a really big supporter of Cik Taib. My dad was kinda a big supporter. But it doesn't mean I am. I have pros and cons opinion about him. About his doings. I have my own opinion on him.
So what now?
I'm not weed, I don't hate Taib because this family I live with was among the the oppressed. I don't like Taib because my dad, my family, my villagers like him. I'm own my own. I know my decision where to categorized him.
Haha! So much for politics. Nothing is honest in politics nowadays, everything is dirty. Sex video, bribe, and everything. It's like to say one is to say about the other because they're all the same. One slammed this figure they slammed them back. They talked dirty, the accuse and everything, there is nothing dirtier than politics nowadays. If pollution can be reduced, politics will get dirtier and dirtier.
People trash their leader around for almost everything. Even if the leader keeps changing, the prime minister keep changing, the elements of people trashing one another will not stop. I told people I'm not a fan of politics, yes I'm not. But I do follow what's happening. It keeps you up-to-date and later you're going to vote for a leader. Knowing both side of the story is important, to follow one without question is BS. Get the facts out.
Like Cik George Chan said today in The Star, "Outsiders who come here to talk, then go off and are not seen until the next election". I want to this to mean for all political parties, and their supporter.
Assalam. Zam. Aku xtauk fb ko. Ko join usrah ka?