Do you know stumbleupon? It's a website that allows you to find things you might like the easy way. It's fun, you might found some really cool stuff. You know that we have millions of websites right? So, if you use stumbleupon, you will find basically any websites from any fields you like, like Arts, Music, Movies, Tv series and more, so why not check the website and start stumbling!
Here's the new thing I found today, interesting, and wildly creative I must say! ;P
![Basta Business Cards](
interesting, and funny too!
![A business card that looks like a pack of gum.](
They better get ready, someone will sue! hahahaha
![A recycled business card design](
see, creativity don't only work on papers, fabric too...
![Reuben's Business Card Face and kids drawing of body](
confidence is one of the key to success...matchstick man? at least people know who you are now...I love this, simple and funny! no pressure there!
![Stand Up Business Card for Emerson Taymor](
sometimes when you feel like your cardholder is too heavy you just throw out some of them right? why not make one like this, can be a bookmark too...;P..nice one....
![Viewzi Cool Transparent Plastic Business Card](
got big budget just for business card? this is the real deal!
There are so much more to share, but people says, if you give a fish to someone, it will only be for a day, but if you teach them to fish, you'll give him a life-time supply of fish(I don't remember the sentence, but this is pretty much how it sounds like). So, I told you about stumbleupon, why not start by stumbling upon your favorite things, would you?
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