Everything's clear now. Solved. I was wrong, I guess I really need to start talking, not just making conclusion based on the situation. Judging by first glance is really unfair right? So I have to dig up to find the truth. I'm lucky this time, the truth came just about time. I felt rather guilty a bit, I mean, all this time for what I have thought about, for all the assumption I made on my mind, for all the emotions I let flow without really thinking about it. I guess this is all one big misunderstanding. Maybe this is the time I've been waiting, or dreaded, whatever it is. The time to start talking about this stuff. Should I? I still haven't made up my mind on that. A perfect timing is all I need, but I don't know what time is a perfect time. Complicated isn't it? My life is complicated, or rather I made it complicated, or it is just the way it is, as complicated as it can be. I don't know how many missing pieces it is in this jigsaw, but at least now I found one of the most important parts of it. I should thank Hafiz.
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