This is an extract from a little writing I've been doing, just another experiment from me, and I do hope to get some respond from you guys! thanks, and enjoy~
I was just a country boy, no more than that. My younger years spent living in the village, with a whole lot of people and big family. I was joyous and care-free. I was happy and felt love by all. And as a kid, I always wanted fun and more fun I could ever get. Nobody knows I had a dream. I had a mission. I was a bright boy, a top scorer of every examination I sat. I was eager to learn, and my parents were very helpful. I’m glad. I have no brothers or sisters, so I am their only hope, and I was considered as a very good investment and every time I achieved awards, I showered my stakeholders with pride.
So what was this dream I was talking about, what was my mission? You see, I was a normal kid too, I was allowed to watch the TV when I’m done with my homework. But unlike normal kids, I didn’t watch cartoons; I watch what my parents like to watch—the news, the soap operas, the sitcoms so not for children that my mom had to close my eyes with her hands so I didn’t watch those parts(as if I don’t even know what making out is). So I grew up watching the city life, a big city’s life, although, I was quite well to know that some were very fictional(I couldn’t find Gotham city in the world’s map). And that was my dream, a dream later I would regret. But for a country boy like me, I could just picture a whole lot of fun and comfort, not the other side of it.
So what was this dream I was talking about, what was my mission? You see, I was a normal kid too, I was allowed to watch the TV when I’m done with my homework. But unlike normal kids, I didn’t watch cartoons; I watch what my parents like to watch—the news, the soap operas, the sitcoms so not for children that my mom had to close my eyes with her hands so I didn’t watch those parts(as if I don’t even know what making out is). So I grew up watching the city life, a big city’s life, although, I was quite well to know that some were very fictional(I couldn’t find Gotham city in the world’s map). And that was my dream, a dream later I would regret. But for a country boy like me, I could just picture a whole lot of fun and comfort, not the other side of it.
is this the intro to the story? nicely done~ chaiyo2...keep up the good work~