Assalamualaikum makhluk bumi! Harap anda semua sihat2 dan tak gedik2 belaka. ;P So, aku dah dua bulan lebih stay ngan Usu (Melanau for Mak Su) and baru hari ni aku jejak kaki nak tengok Taman Bukit Mas... Kalau Bukit Mas aje dah selalu dah sebab depan rumah. Walaupun accessible je dari tu, tapi macam malas sebab kena naik bukit turun bukit, -__-" macam orang lelama dulu plak dah kan. AHAHAHA. So ambik jalan senang lah, pergi ke pasar, pastu aku jalan sorang2 pergi Taman tu, atas bukit, kena naik tangga sikit bawah terik2 panas. Boleh je ajak cousin aku join tapi dia macam ada plan ngan awek dia kot aku malas nak kacau. Aku nak ambik gamba sikit2 je dulu. Apa istimewa nya taman ni? Tak sure pun, aku tak tau lah tasik atas bukit tu satu rarity atau tak, tapi bagi aku macam spesel sebab baru pernah pegi tempat sebegitu rupa! Aku adalah snap gamba sikit2, saja nak share daripada entry ni nampak kosong kan? :D
From a higher point...this is taken at 3 o'clock, so not many people come yet. Usually they come later in the evening for jogging and stuff, mostly yeah, jogging. |
But the wooden pathway isn't in very good condition :( |
The bridges has kinda Chinese influence on it |
At times there will be remote control boat racing organize here, and some would play just for fun. My Usu told me there will be one tomorrow. I don't know, but I'd love to watch it. |
Connecting two sides of the lake is this suspension bridge, for someone who has fear for height I don't think they'll ever cross can opt to walk around the lake, one round will take around 15 minutes give or take a few minutes. |
When you are in Limbang make sure you know where to go. Make really careful plans on where to go, what to see all that stuff because to be honest, there's nothing much to see or to do near it. Might as well go to Brunei and see loads of stuff especially the difference between our culture or architecture or just rules and regulation. You know a cigarette packs in Brunei can cost up to 14 Brunei Dollar, change that to our Malaysian money what do you got? Double of that. AHAHAHA. Just think if in Malaysia a pack of cigarette cost RM20 something, will you want to smoke?
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ReplyDeleteHello Ajam,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are still using this blog as I found a lot of interesting photos about Limbang.
My name is Szelind, a current 2nd year Design student from Swinburne University Sarawak. I would like to ask permission from you for using one of the Bukit Mas Bridge picture for my Motion Graphic project. If you want to more information about my project, please kindly reply this comment with your contact details as I would like to explain to you personally.