Assalamualaikum....di kala rajin nak update blog ni, baik aku update... Kesian gak blog ni, macam, hidup segan, mati tak mahu, AHAHAHA... Mungkin satu sebab the rise of microblogging, especially Twitter, yes, I mostly update stuff on Twitter because one, I can send update via sms by phone, no internet excess needed and probably two; audience lagi ramai disana... I mean, I have not very much info to share, this blog is mostly personal stuff so it gets kinda boring right? AHAHAHA *apalah kutuk blog sendiri -__-"*
Setiap kali janji nak update blog regularly, setiap kali tu lah takkan ditepati janji tu, so now I know not to make such promise, so maybe kalau ada nak feel or bagi opinion yang panjang lebar berjela-jela, I'll wrote it here because Twitter allows 140 characters only, and no one really clicks on twitlonger links (I believe so! sebab aku pun malas nak klik link2 tu ahahaha) So if you guys got a Twitter account, look me up @azamofficial, yep, that's me....DP sentiasa berubah but that tweethandle won't change for a long time....
If I haven't lost any readers yet, I would like to thank you for sticking up for me all this time. I thank you for spending a little time to read my not so informative blog, but I'll try to look for some quality reading for you and I both. That's not a promise though! AHAHA
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